Our Work

We’re people of color passionate about psychedelics and ending the war on drugs. The People of Color Psychedelic Collective creates spaces for education and community building for people of color around the country to learn more about psychedelics.

Community Building


Arts and culture


We hope to create a sense of belonging for folks of color in the psychedelic space.

In 2019, the People of Color Psychedelic Collective created Empyrean, the first psychedelic conference dedicated to community building for people of color at the Eaton Hotel in Washington, D.C. This two-day conference had about 100 attendees with workshops focused on psychedelic policy, herbalism, and dismantling patriarchy in psychedelic culture.

A few months after Empyrean, we held a healing retreat in Santa Fe, New Mexico.

We are dedicated to educating our audience on the healing value of psychedelics, along with the cultural contexts from which they originate. We’ve held several workshops and discussions on various topics such as cultural appropriation and psychedelics, grief, loss and psychedelics, and harm reduction. Education allows everyone to learn and make decisions in their best interest.

Along with policy and education, art in all its forms has the potential to usher in cultural change.

Learn more about our work…

Developing an Intentional Relationship with Plant Medicine, a panel for the Big Psych Conference in 2024..

The panel featured Michelle Kemp, Emily Cribas, Lorena Nascimento, Soma Phoenix, Thomas Stanley, Liz Rodrigues, and Esteban Orozco.

Browse through some of our past events & workshops!

a yellow image with three headshots two Black people and one Indian woman the text reads After War Panelists: Ifetayo Harvey, Christopher ALexander, Sheila Vakharia

Drugs, Alcohol, and Culture: Where Cannabis, Mezcal and Psilocybin Meet: An Online Workshop, February 2022

After War: An in-person event featuring a panel discussion and a musical performance, NYC, June 2022.

The Shortcomings of Wellness: A talk by Ifetayo Harvey at MeetDelic, November 2021

Blackadelic BlackAtlantic: An Online Art Show, May 2021

Drug Use During COVID— A Harm Reduction Conversation: An Online Workshop, April 2021

Physical Absence, Enduring Presence— A Talk on Grief, Loss and Psychedelics: An Online Workshop, May 2021

Cultural Appropriation and Psychedelics: An Online Workshop, October 2020

Psychedelic Healing for People of Color: An Online Workshop, May 2020

Empyrean 2019: People of Color Psychedelics Conference. We held our inaugural conference at the Eaton Hotel in Washington D.C. This two-day conference featured a variety of panel discussions and workshops.

In 2019, we held our first retreat in Santa Fe, New Mexico. There we held a healing space for six women.

In 2018, we created Maria Sabina graphics for a fundraising campaign for her archive in Oaxaca, Mexico, in partnership with Cosmos Ancestrales Visiones. In total, we helped raise $10,000 to give to Inti Garcia Flores, the steward of her archive.

Dismantling Psychedelic Patriarchy, a panel featuring Queen Adesuyi, Ifetayo Harvey, Amna Hussein, and Oriana Mayorga, in partnership with the D.C. Psychedelic Society, 2018.

Why POC Intentional Healing Spaces are Necessary, a talk by Ifetayo Harvey at the Women’s Visionary Congress, 2019.

The Promises and Pitfalls of Psychedelic Healing for Trauma, a panel for the Trauma Research Foundation’s Social Justice Summit 2023.

The panel featured Dr. NiCole Buchanan, Ifetayo Harvey, Dr. Dominique Morisano, Dr. Diana Quinn, and Dr. Gillian Scott-Ward. January 2023.