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Legislative Initiatives & Consulting with Indigenous Peoples

  • People of Color Psychedelic Collective PO Box 286716 New York, NY 10128 USA (map)

While many cities and states consider legislation around p$ychedlic medicines, there are important considerations to be made beyond regulations and certifications for clinical use. Not only are there decriminalization provisions to be considered for spiritual, religious, and community use, but consultation with and protection of Indigenous Peoples rights and relationships as well as the rights of the medicines themselves must be included. Join PSMN Board Member, Christine Diindiisi McCleave (Anishinaabe) to learn more about the various regional initiatives to create legal access to these medicines and how to respectfully engage with Tribal Nations and Indigenous communities in the process.

Register here!

This webinar will be open to the public and tickets are $20. Proceeds from ticket sales will go to the speaker (90%), and the remainder to PSMN operational overhead. For our current Supporting members, you'll receive a $5 discount on event price (check your email for discount code to use upon checkout).

November 2

Vibration for Vitality: A Workshop on Liberating Our Voices

February 16

Drug Law for the 21st Century: Learning from 50 Years of DEA-Led Public Health Policy